There is absolutely no doubt that the people we have met in San Carlos prefer to take the Tufesa bus line when not using their own car from Tucson. When Gary took a poll at Saturdays baseball game no one had even heard of the TBC line. Tufesa, on the other hand, has a gleaming termnal right on the main street of Serdan in Guaymas, clean restrooms (by local standards) and a neat littel food kiosk and everybody knows where it is, everybody. They also have a web site that lets you select your seat assingment.
Gary and Char took TBC, and since they do not have a web site at all, nada, we drove into Guaymas today, dictionary in hand, to make sure that they could get a seat assignment for the return voyage Norte. I took this as an opportunity to take a few photographs for future travelers wanting to do a little comparison shopping.
You should be able to click on any of these photos to see it enlarged, providing good detail.
Nearing sucess on the seat assignment.
A quiet place to talk to your dead relatives before boarding, just in case you think that you may be seeing them sooner rather than later.
The street scene. Notice a lack of directional signage and tourists. This is a one way street several blocks south of the main street of Serdan, on Calle 14. Also take note that there is not a street light anywhere, so locating The TBC terminal at night is more than a little difficult - some would call it impossible.
A fine new plastic sign with concrete nails. There is a cut out in the center for the future installation of a light.
This is a recommended conversation for the corner shrine:
Comi aigo en su pais. (I ate something in your country)
Por favor llame a un cura (Please call a priest)
Me gustaria hacer un recibir extremauncion. (I would like to receive last rights)
Por favor, manden mi cadaver a casa en el proximo vuelo. (Please send my body home on the next flight)
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