In my former life I made it possible to mine tens of millions of tons of rock that went into, among other things, asphalt paving, but until now I had never purchased any directly for my own account. Indirectly we all have paid for and directly used a lot of rock in our lifetimes. It is just an inescapable part of our world. I used to "harrumph" at people that hated mining and vowed to never allow themselves any participation in this sort of extractive endeavour, at least until they realized that they could not go anywhere without the stuff and that just about everything we use is mined if it is not grown. An environmentalists dilemma.
Anyway, we just paved our driveway in a nod to the relative futility of trying to sell our home in this housing depression. We want to enjoy a little time not having so much dirt and mud tracked around so we are continuing our work sprucing up the place.
In the photo above you will notice that there is a "steam roller" compacting the asphalt and that is what a lot of people still call them even though they have not been powered by steam for a hundred years. It just sounds cool, I guess. Steam had a fairly short life as a significant mode of power. 
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Steam Roller!
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