I have resolved that for 2011 I will not give up bacon. I do not eat a lot of bacon and on the rare occasion that I do have some I do not pile it up really high. This is probably because I envision my wife over one shoulder and my doctor hovering over the other wispering to me that I should watch my intake of fatty things. This is known as guilt. If it were not for guilt I would fry up a whole bunch of bacon every day until I could no longer stand the taste. I am not certain that the moment would come that I actually could not eat bacon, which is probably one of the reasons that I have never followed through with this thought.
There are many things that we think that we will never utter in company. Well, that is true for most people although I have met a few people in my life that just blurt out whatever comes to mind. The brain is a pretty tricky place and really needs a filter most of the time, so just verbalizing all of our thoughts in this day and age would eventually land most us in some sort of lock-up, either mental or criminal. For intstance you do not want to say the single word "bomb" while waiting to go through the security check point in the airport. Neither should you say the word "gun" to a policeman if you have just been pulled over for speeding. These thoughts, if verbalized, would get you in some amount of difficulty.
I want to live a long time and see my children continue their adult journeys, and my grandchild grow into whoever she chooses to become. These are a couple of the reasons that I wil not eat all of the bacon my brain would like to experience - the other reasons I can't talk about.