Keb Mo

Keb' Mo' - Am I Wrong .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine

The Good, the Bad & the Ugly

Ennio Morricone - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine

What, me worry?

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


This is our new dog named "Bummer". I found him at the local animal rescue joint and he was in really bad shape, having just been taken in moments before my arrival. I planned on surprising Julie on New Years day with her new Bichon puppy, but after I washed him I discovered he had claws which might mean that I was misled a little bit.

The shelter folks have told me that they do not take animals back after finding them a new home, so I am going to try to convince Julie that this is the same little lap dog type that she has been oogling over recently. Wish me luck.
Happy New Year, almost. April Fools Day is right around the corner!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Needs Caption

Ok, is this dog doing this just for fun, or is it really trying to protect its owner from the snow blower monster, or what? Oh, by the way, we do not have any of that white stuff here South of the Border.
( So, I lost the attribution info for this photo, so is it sufficient to say that I plucked it off the web at perhaps, maybe MSNBC?)

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Tricked Out in Guaymas

This young man was pedaling past us in downtown Guaymas a couple of weeks ago and I asked him to stop for a photo of his bike, which he did with pride. Look at the detail when you enlarge it. Unbelievable.

Mas Biesbol y Canada

We learned today, or at least this American learned, that amature Canadian baseball players can produce Maple Leaf atire at a moments notice - two minutes tops! When PJ, THE COMMISH, called for a show of hands as to country affiliation, it turned out that American and Canadian participants were about equally split, with the exception of one confused Bill standing in the middle.

The Canadians called an immediate time out and returned from the parking area with new duds. I am now convinced that they have these available at all times to toss on, just in case there may be confusion about where to the North they hail from.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Eve & Day in SC

San Carlos Club de Golf
We plan on golfing later today after making our traditional pinwheel biscuits! It has been a bit chilly at night, requiring that we run the heat for an hour or so, but there is no snow or rain in sight so things are good. Today on the golf course should be in the low 70's - do I hear a WOOHOO!
Last night we grilled dorado and tuna and watched the lighted boat parade from our balcony as they made two passes through our little part of the bay. Can you imagine that Julie was shouting at them and that a couple of the boats found us with their spotlights? Julie and Alisha also brought home a stray to have dinner with us, a writer of books camping out at La Manga in his motor home. They met him at Barracuda Bobs while he was getting interneted. (Like that word?)
We hope that everyone is having as good a time as we are and that you are enjoying the spirit of this season.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Hornitos Reposada & Sea Shells

Tile work in the Soggy Peso bathroom.

So we are down on the beach this afternoon recharging Julie’s solar cells, perhaps imbibing somewhat too, and I am giving some serious thought to the increasing load of sea shells gathering on the porch. I can see the porch from my recliner on the beach, off in the distance. Until this morning I did not realize the full extent of the collection. It is more than just “large”. When we eventually cross the border heading Norte, among the many tools used by the U.S. Customs folks is, I believe, a scale that weighs the vehicle and compares it to norms for the make and model. Right now I think there would be sirens, whistles and other alarms aplenty because we are tiny bit overloaded. Now, I am sure these good people protecting our borders have seen just about everything, including mucho sea shells in a car, but not on such a large, almost commercial, scale. And to tell you the truth I am not sure that the Suburban can take the load. That is a monstrously huge admission for a man to say that El Trucko is not big enough. We like big, manly things. (Can you hear the grunting sound?)

With all of that said, and threats to my manhood exposed, I am thinking that we need to emulate the tile work at the Soggy Peso somewhat by utilizing the very Mexican skill with cement and/or grout to create a phrase or words to live by while in San Carlos and have the shells permanently, chemically bonded into the rented house above the doorway, so that all who follow will have a sort of roadmap to guide them, the wisdom of history and prior travelers. Such a phrase would have to include reference to Hornitos Reposada, or similar agave distillates, and perhaps empty shot glasses awaiting the uptight visitor from the north. It could even refer to the romance of the sunlight upon the Sea of Cortez and friends sharing a special, eternal time looking toward Guaymas and the pelicanos doing their work. But I am at a loss and need some help. So if you can think of anything lofty enough, of such pure, high purpose that it would make grown men fall to their knees and weep, and women cry at the vision produced by mere words, then please send me a note or give me a hint at the direction I may look for such inspiration.

¿ Que no ve que soy gringo? (This is fast becoming my favorite, all time, best Spanish phrase.) “Can’t you see I’m a gringo?” We are not equipped to handle such a delicate flower of thought and inspiration with proper respect and passion.

Seventh inning stretch - If you think that I may be drinking while tapping this out on my keyboard you would be partially correct – I am sipping. There is a significant difference between drinking and sipping. Ask anyone except an AA Sponsor and they will tell you there is a difference – even if only slight.

Even though I know in my heart that it would have been impossible to keep up the pace established the past week and a half without resulting in my own death, probably from lack of blood oxygen since alcohol carries so little O2, I am still missing the fun of it all and the amigoness of it too. (I like making up words, don’t you?)

[Discalimer: My truck can haul anything, including the puny collection of shells on the porch. And since I am such a MAN and have no need for anything more than a weapon, meat, fire and a procreation partner, I can handle the fussy, wimpy nod, written above, to things feminine and passionate without fanfare. It’s a joke, and yes, I am still a gringo. Sometimes even gringos cry in their beer.]

Back on target and time to start the 8th inning (if there ever was a target) - Ok, so maybe I need to rethink the whole sea shell thing and just plan to go commercial importing Mexican shells. There are so many more places without beaches than with, and the folks in those places might really appreciate having reminders of what they are missing. It might take off like the Pet Rock thing. The one year retirement plan.
Hasta Luego

Monday, December 14, 2009

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Un poquito mas San Carlos y Florence gringos

Tequila y orange juice for breakfast, again?

....resulting morning dance.

The Plaza of the Three Presidents, Guaymas.
Municipal building in the background with decorations.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Gracias por cancelar el escuadron de fusilamiento!

We have been having soooo much fun. Friends from Florence have been here in San Carlos these last ten days and although we did not know them well at the beginning, Vic and Robin are now good amigos and Tom and Michelle are known better to us despite the fog of tequila. The above phrase comes from a book called Wicked Spanish that Vic & Robin brought along, and translated means “Thank you for cancelling the death squad”. This would have been useful if we had encountered the Policia and Vic did his usual murderous number on the language of Mexico. He tries hard. People that carry around a book containing such phrases are bound to be fun. ¿Que no?

I will share more phrases as we move along in these postings because they are so much fun even if fairly useless. There was a long, open discussion with the female owner of a local restaurant over the correct pronunciation of certain words to avoid confusion with penile dysfunction, breasts and other private anatomy. One of the oddest exchanges I have ever witnessed and will forever be a standard for improper gringo behavior. Vic can pull it off though.
¿Que no ve que soy gringo? (Can’t you see I’m a gringo?)

Friday, December 4, 2009

Tequila Shooters as a route to the Rose Bowl

OK, so there was this must watch football game last night which we managed to find here at the Marina Cantina. Oregon and Oregon Sate, the "Civil War", was played in Eugene with the winner getting a trip to the Rose Bowl. Tom & Michelle, Vic & Robin had flown in the day before from Florence to get warm and maybe, just maybe blow off a little steam. So finding an enthusiastic crowd at the bar was just the thing until we learned that the crowd supported Oregon, the "other" team.
Well, at each Oregon State score a nearby table would send over a couple of shots of tequila, the good stuff, with reciprocity when the ball went to the other goal. THIS WAS A SEVENTY POINT GAME. MY GOD.
Tom and Michelle were.... there is a word...... oh, what is it?......borracho?
The bar tab far, way far, exceeded the food bill. Admissions in the morning included a temporary loss of North as a direction on the compass. Without help the inebriates would not have found their way home, at least to the correct home.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

No Rain Delays

The San Carlos Softball Wrecking Crew...