The battery on our camera was dead today, so this
is not a photograph of the local playing field. SOMEONE left the camera turned on and depleted the battery.
I joined the local Biesbol League, made up of a bunch of Norte Americanos with a love of the game. When we arrived at the field today a bunch of guys were walking through the field with shovels followed by a tractor whose bucket was almost overflowing with road apples. It seems that horses like Biesbol too.
The rules are simple - everyone gets to swing until a ball is hit, no strikeouts, and there are no walks. No physical contact - everyone is already in some age related pain so there is no need to inflict more. And the best part is that at the end of a couple of horas the group drives next door to the Soggy Peso for cervezas and apetizers, or whatever. With games every Tuesday and Saturday that's a lot of cervezas!
I pulled the hamstring on my left (good) leg a few weeks ago, so I started off with some extra disability. We spent the first 30 minutes doing stretches because they said that last year they had just jumped right into it and ended up barely being able to field the two teams because of all of the pulled muscles and tendons. The stretcheing help my hamstring loosen up, but I tweeked it a bit trying to catch a fly ball that my 13 year old brain was telling me was a cinch.
It turned out I was being scouted by the previous years players, so the warm up thing to prevent injuries was only partly true. The first two gatherings are all just practice and since I have never lost my ability to hit the long ball, which I demonstrated, the old timers were eyeing the fresh meat with some interest for later when sides are chosen. Julie may get to be my designted runner, but I'm thinking that may cost a round of cervezas or something.
I did not bring any biesbol gear with me - every other thing imaginable, but not biesbol gear. But this is Biesbol country and I have been given directions to the sports store in Guaymas so all is good.
This looks like a really fun group and we have warned them that we will not be able to play all 80 games, through March.