I just kind of mosey along in my own personal fog most of the time and not much flusters me, but I have to say that having our Eric and Alsiha both move in with us while they reset their compasses has made me reflect a bit about how much I have slowed down from my youth without really noticing much. I have stopped trying to keep up with their energy levels.
We are in the process of gutting out the old garage and remaking it into something usable and not so nineteen fifty sevenish. The work is taking a toll on my knees mostly, but also on my perception my own mortal makeup. My body is asking for days off when there is far too much work yet to be finished. Screaming for attention! Me too, me too! The kiddos have done much of the heavy lifting, and I am thankful for that, but they both have jobs now and I cannot play without guilt until the space is habitable so I just work until my body says it is time for a shower and a glass of wine. When we recently took time to play golf with friends, parts of my anatomy protested, but I averted a general strike by slowing down my pace.
Anyway, spending time with our children has been fun, rewarding scary, and a blessing.They will always be our kids, but it is fun to get to know them as adults.