I have been a little busy since getting back to Florence from our month long road trip and have just been ignoring this space while getting caught up on other things. As I typed this I realized that I am rarely ever "caught up". Perhaps I prefer the illusion of completeness by checking off little items on my to-do list and calling it good each day. Ah, too deep.
Whatever else may be in store for us this summer, I know that a good part of my time will be spent getting properties maintained before the winter deluge sets in. With 75 inches of rain being the norm, you can imagine how little life house paint has here or how well molds grow and destroy outdoor wood surfaces. We own a lot of professional grade painting paraphernalia.
I read my brother's blog and those of stranglerswithcandy and Mrs. Biesbolfan to keep up with the goings on in the GSD, or to just get a laugh from some of the weird stuff that gets posted.
Right now I am in Bend and since we drove the Audi over here I do not have a bunch of tools with me to take on any major projects. I suppose this is down time. Our friends, Tom and Michelle, are in town the next few days and their Jeep will be useful for getting to some fly fishing spots. I have promised Tom for two years that I would give him some instruction in fly casting, which will hopefully be done in the direction of actively feeding trout. There are so many fishing places to try out that we could hit several different drainages in just a half day. And the East slopes of the Cascade Range produce some big fish, hopefull feeding on bugs that resemble things in my fly box.................

This was our favorite sunset spot in Santa Barbara. Julie would get her chocolate cone from the McConnel's Ice Cream joint and I would drive up to this little park just to enjoy the view.